

MVC Architecture

May 2022

Films Infos main page screenshot


This project is a complete web application using PHP with WAMP as a development environment. This application allows you to manage and store detailed information about films, such as title, genre, year, director and synopsis. PHP was used for server-side logic, while WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) facilitated application deployment by providing an Apache web server to run PHP code and a SQLite database to store movie data.

The project was structured according to the MVC architecture (Model-View-Controller), which made it possible to clearly separate the responsibilities: the Model manages the data of films stored in SQLite, the Controller manages the logic of user requests and communication with the Model, while View is responsible for viewing movies and interacting with the user via HTML and CSS.

Working on this project allowed me to strengthen my web development skills with PHP, to understand the importance of a well-defined architecture like MVC for maintainability and scalability of applications, as well as appreciate the usefulness of an environment like WAMP to simplify the development and deployment of web applications on my local environment.

Technology used

  • PHP
  • WAMP
  • SQLite